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Accept your offer Semester 2, 2024

Congratulations on receiving your offer for study in Semester 2 from North Metropolitan TAFE!

Please complete the form below to accept your offer. 

Once you have accepted your offer, we will contact you when the enrolment period commences to provide an enrolment quote, payment options and other relevant information. 

If you wish to decline your offer instead please complete the Decline your offer form.

Semester 2 starts 15 July, 2024

  • Current Student and course details
  • Demographics
  • Concessions, terms and conditions
  • Complete
Acceptance of offer
I accept my offer

If you wish to decline your offer instead please complete the Decline your offer form.

If you are an existing student or have studied with us in the past, please provide your student number here.
Your Application number is the TAS ID found at the top of the "Offer of a place" letter you would have received. It is a 7 digit number beginning with TA-, and ending with -24-1
e.g. TA1234567-24-2
Please note if you are a current student, select the course you will be studying next semester
If you do not sing or play an instrument, please respond ‘none’
Course delivery may occur fully on campus OR be a combination of on campus and online and the timetable will vary from semester to semester. The online learning is scheduled during the day and your attendance is required. This is not self-paced online learning.
Please note There are limited places for the Combined group and places are allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Please note the online learning component is scheduled during the day and your attendance is required. This is not self-paced online learning.
Please select group timetables from the drop down lists below in order of your preferences.

Group timetables are:
  • Group 1A - Classses between 9:00am - 4:30 pm - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
  • Group 1B - Classses between 9:00am - 4:30 pm - Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
  • Group 1C - Classses between 9:00am - 3:30 pm - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
  • Group 1D - Classses between 9:00am - 3:30 pm - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Please note you may not get your first preference. 
Preference field set

How did you hear about us?
Social media channels

Personal details
Your First and Last name should be your legal name and match your USI.
Residential address
You must be residing in Western Australia to accept an offer to study at North Metropolitan TAFE.
Your USI is a 10 digit number.  Please note that enrolments are unable to be processed without a USI.  To create or retrieve your USI please go to
If your USI fails in verification or you do not remember your number do you give NMTAFE permission to search for your USI on your behalf?
Please note, when we search to locate your USI number on your behalf you will receive a notification from the USI registry. We will only search for your USI once to ensure we can process your enrolment.

If you wish to claim a credit for a unit that you have already completed, you can also log on to the USI portal and set up the permission for NMTAFE to view your USI record. See here for more information:

For example, 1 January 2000
Will you be 18 years of age or older before 1 July?
School aged student status
Please choose the statement that applies to you.

Note  If you are enrolled in secondary school and TAFE concurrently you will be charged at a commercial rate. For further information please email

Consent and school aged declaration - to be completed by parent/guardian
  • the above student will not be attending secondary school this semester and/or for the duration of their TAFE course.
  • I understand that if at any time the above student is enrolled concurrently at a secondary school and TAFE they will not be eligible for the Secondary School Aged Cap/Concession, nor for the free tuition fees for the Free in '23 courses, and will be charged at the commercial rate for TAFE fees ($13.50 per nominal hour, plus resource fees).
  • I understand it is my responsibility to inform North Metropolitan TAFE of any changes in the above student’s circumstances, which may impact their ability to participate in the course and to ensure our contact details are kept up to date
  • I have read and understood the information titled "Important information concerning students under 18 years of age"
Please enter date of signing in the format dd/mm/yyyy or use the date picker.
Please list any health or medical conditions that MAY impact on their proposed studies. Any information provided will be shared only with the Head of Programs/ lecturer in the interest of providing support if required.
Please sign in the box above
Emergency Contact
Please provide the full name of who should be contacted for you in the case of an emergency.
Please provide the phone number of who should be contacted for you in the case of an emergency.
Guardian contact details
If you are under 18 years of age at the time of enrolment, you will need to provide your guardian details.  You will not be enrolled unless these are provided.
A mobile number is required by the guardian to receive important text messages.  If you do not have one, please contact Student Services at North Metropolitan TAFE.