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Spanish Stage 1

Spanish Stage 1

State ID SC-PLS-C2086

Learn to speak Spanish

This is a general introduction to the language, its sound and writing system and some general information on the countries in which it is spoken.

Brightly coloured keyboard keys with the word hello written in different languages


When Semester 1, 2024.

Study Mode On campus.

Learn to speak Spanish

Spanish is the second most widely spoken language in the world! There are over 20 countries where Spanish is the official language. And there are other countries in which it is widely spoken, including some of the Southern states of the US.

Whether you want to learn Spanish to enhance your effectiveness at work, to make your holiday trip more fulfilling or simply for the joy of learning about a new language and culture, we welcome you to our classes and wish you enjoyment and success.

This is a general introduction to the language, its sound and writing system and some general information on the countries in which it is spoken. There are no prerequisites and wherever possible, the course is tailored to meet the needs and interests of the group. Therefore, some variations to course may occur

Important information

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Semester 1, 2024


Duration 6 Weeks
When Semester 1, 2024
Where Perth
How On campus



National ID Unit title
C2086 Spanish Stage 1

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