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WA Made film festival comes to town

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Our Digital Cinema graduates have had three of their films (Dusk, Solivagant and Perfect Pie, Imperfect Life) selected for the WA Made Film Festival this weekend.

  • WA Made Film Festival is a brand new film festival featuring WA made shorts, documentaries and feature films.
  • The festival runs from 13-15 March at three different locations – Palace Cinemas Raine Square, Palace Cinema Paradiso and Northbridge Piazza.
  • The making of the films formed part of the students’ final year Advanced Diploma of Screen and Media (Digital Cinema) assessment, where students produce two short films using state-of-the-art camera, sound and editing equipment.

Our graduate Eric Chiavo wrote and produced the seven-minute film Dusk which has been chosen for the WA Made Film Festival.

"I couldn't be more excited for having Dusk being part of the WA Made Film Festival selection. To me Dusk was a dream coming true, my first step in the film industry. It was amazing working with such talented cast and crew and hope to work with them again in the future,” said Eric.

“What makes me more excited is that my family will be coming all the way from Brazil and will have a chance to watch Dusk for the first time in the big screen. They supported me all the way and I am really happy to finally share this experience with them.”

Rylee Bannan wrote and produced Perfect Pie, Imperfect Life, which is about two neighbours that fiercely compete for the same prize every year, a trophy for baking. This year their competitiveness causes them to stumble onto a significant reward.

"I'm so grateful TAFE gave me the opportunity to produce Perfect Pie, Imperfect Life. It was the first short film I ever produced and it will forever hold a place in my heart,” said Rylee.

“Using this experience, I was able to kick start my career within the advertising industry as a Production Coordinator. I am so thankful for all the hard work my crew put into the film; we are all the creators of the final product."

Raphael Gould directed Solivagant, a story about a man who returns home after some time to find his mother unwell and younger brother missing. As he searches for his elusive brother, he encounters a troubling echo from his past.

Congratulations to our graduates, students and lecturers involved!

Screening for the films will be on Sunday 15 March at Palace Cinemas Raine Square. Find out more and purchase your tickets for the event. Find out more about our Media courses.