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1 November 2023

North Metropolitan TAFE's Managing Director Michelle Hoad is inviting our international students to join her for an informal and open conversation about how we are doing as a training provider for you as international students.

Michelle is interested in...

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
Forge new skills in blacksmithing

If you want to learn the art of blacksmithing this is the place to start. During this one day (seven hours) introduction course you will gain an insight into safe working conditions while forging small projects by heating steel in a charcoal forge, turning...

Level Up Your Designs: SolidWorks Intermediate Part Design Techniques

This course is designed for individuals with a basic understanding of SolidWorks who want to take their part design skills to the next level.

This course is structured as hands-on, instructor-led training...

Learn how to set up and work a live music PA system

Are you a musician wanting to know more about using PA systems?  In this skill set you'll learn how to assemble and operate a live music PA system. You'll also gain an understanding of the use of microphones, mixings desks, cabling,...

Show off your newly found wood working skills

This short course will teach you to build a bedside cabinet.

You'll learn how to use many of the hand tools and power tools used by a cabinet maker. During your first week you'll focus on the various power tools used in the trade, learn...

We offer over 350 courses from Certificate I to Advanced Diplomas, apprenticeships and traineeships, plus short courses and skill sets. Whether you’re just starting out in the workforce, looking to upskill, change careers or returning to work, we have a qualification to take you in the right...

Enrolled Nurses have varied and rewarding career opportunities, making a difference in the lives of the people they care for

North Metropolitan TAFE's Diploma of Nursing will provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to be employed as an Enrolled Nurse; such as human...

Cover all the basics for use and maintenance of CNC lathes and machining centres

CNC Machining is a method carried out by computerised devices to perform a broad range of manufacturing tasks in a wide variety of fields.

During this course you will cover:

  • Safety on...

Our values reflect our determination to ensure best practice and leadership across VET in pursuit of our vision to transform lives; strengthen industry and community.


We treat one another fairly and with courtesy while acknowledging the right of each person to hold different or opposing views.

  • We communicate honestly and authentically with our students and colleagues
  • We forgive errors and learn from them, finding constructive solutions to issues
  • We empower and build confidence in our colleagues and students
  • We collaborate positively, recognising effort and commitment.


Our interactions with others are based on honesty and trust motivated with their best interests at heart.

  • We behave ethically and appropriately in everything we do
  • We choose to do what is right without expecting anything in return regardless of how hard it is
  • We fulfil our responsibilities as North Metropolitan TAFE and WA Public Sector employees
  • We lead by example and dedicate ourselves to consistently surpass expectations.

Student centred

We place our students best interests at the centre of our decision making, the designing of our products and our service delivery.

  • We ensure our students are given every opportunity to succeed
  • We deliver quality teaching in an engaging, supportive learning environment
  • We design programs that equip students with skills and pathways leading to employment
  • We are responsive to student needs, providing courteous and timely responses to complaints and requests for assistance.


We accept personal accountability for our actions and decisions, demonstrating social, financial and environmental responsibility to stakeholders.

  • We use resources and funding sustainably and efficiently
  • We observe all relevant regulatory and legislative obligations
  • We are reliable, responsible and consistent
  • We measure our collective success through robust peer, student and industry review.


We aspire to deliver a high standard of practice in everything we do. We seek to be flexible and responsive to emerging technology and deliver contemporary teaching and learning practices for the benefit of our students and industry.

  • We have a creative, future focused approach to product development, teaching delivery and client service
  • We thoughtfully design holistic delivery and assessment strategies fit for the profile of learners we seek to attract, and the industry or community in which they will engage
  • We reject siloing by collaborating transparently across teams and work areas
  • We encourage lateral thinking that is inspired, contemporary and progressing our vision.


We take pride in our professionalism and care for the reputation of the college, we will work together to uphold a high standard of service delivery to our students, industry, the community and each other.

  • Our industry expertise is reflected in the standard and quality of work that we produce
  • We ensure our skills, knowledge and qualifications have industry and vocational currency
  • We embrace change as an agent for improvement in service and training quality
  • We respond effectively to adversity which is testament to our resilience and ingenuity.

Whether you’re one of many different types of students, one of our valued employers, new to our country or have a local history going back tens of thousands of years, maybe a school or community member looking at engaging with us, take a look through this part of our website and discover how we...